All programs are customizable and have a training guarantee. We tailor to the owner and dogs specific needs.

  • Benefits of off-leash: ability to recall your dog at a 1/3 mile radius, ability to correct unwanted behavior anytime anyplace. Less movement required for corrections. More freedom for your dog.

    • 4 weeks of training covering all basic commands (heel, sit, down, stay, come, place). Dog will be taught to perform them on leash as well as completely off leash.

    • 4 hour duration on the place command.

    • Working collars for both on and off leash.

    • Place bed included.

    • 2 hour long send home to teach the owner training, how to reinforce and introduce the training at home.

    • Unlimited in person follow ups as well as phone availability to address any question you may have after the training.

    • 3 weeks training covering all basic commands (heel, sit, down, stay, come, place). We teach our dogs to ignore high level distractions.

    • 2 hour duration on the place command.

    • On leash working collar and place bed included.

    • One hour long send home.

    • 3 in person follow ups to answer any questions you may have. I am also available via phone anytime you may need.

    • Program can be customized to clients' particular needs. For example: walking with a stroller, reactivity, aggression.

  • (introduction to training)

    • 2 weeks training covering alI introduction to basic commands in a low distractions environment.

    • Working collar included

    • Pet cot included

    Dog is not proofed in this program. This is geared towards clients that would like to finish training at home.

    • 5 classes (duration- 60 minutes per class)

    • Classes will teach the owner how to properly use training collars, as well as teach the owner how to teach basic commands. Training is hands-on with the dog, owner and trainer.

    • Class location varies to accommodate dogs needs.

    • Working collar included.